Dr Lesley Potter

I am a retired nurse and midwife, having worked for 40 years at various Sydney hospitals in management, education and clinical midwifery. My academic career has been spread over several years and mostly conducted while working either full or part-time as a midwife. I have a Bachelor of Theology, Masters in English Literature and a PhD in nursing/midwifery history.

Now retired I have time to engage with my special interest in the history of nursing, midwifery and obstetrics with special reference to health care in the context of the Australian colonial period. I now enjoy researching, writing and contributing to various nursing, historical and scholarly organisations.

Since retiring I have published two books: Mistress of Her Profession: Colonial Midwives of Sydney 1788 – 1901. Anchor Books Australia, 2017 and Born in Glebe: Mothers, Midwives and Medical Men, Glory Printing, 2020.

My current positions (all honorary) are:

· Honorary Archivist, Australian College of Nursing (ACN)

· Chair & Member of the ACN History Community of Interest

· Chair NSW Chapter Independent Scholars of Australia Association (ISAA)

· Chair ‘Open Forum’ – Public Events Committee ISAA

· Member of the National Council of ISAA

Find Lesley’s books Mistress of her profession: Colonial midwives of Sydney 1788-1901 and Born in Glebe: Mothers, midwives and medical men on our featured books page