Pat Brodie AM
Pat Brodie is a well-known Australian midwifery leader whose work has spanned over four decades and contributed to major reforms in maternity services development. She was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2012 for her pioneering efforts in developing midwifery and professional associations, which have led to strengthening standards of midwifery education, practice and regulation across the country.
Pat has a long and distinguished association with the Australian College of Midwives, having joined the College in 1980 as a newly graduated midwife. She was national President for four years from September 2005-2009, having also been NSW President and national delegate from 2001-2004. As one of the members of the initial NSW Midwives Association’s History and Archives Sub Committee, Pat instigated a project to employ two archivists to guide the work of the sub-committee and ensure the continuing viability of the Collection.
Pat’s work as the World Health Organisation’s Technical Adviser for midwifery education and regulation in Papua New Guinea (PNG) contributed to a large-scale capacity development program of work which strengthened national standards of midwifery education, practice and regulation in Papua New Guinea.
Pat was one of the founding members of the Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund, a charity committed to enhancing the Indigenous midwifery workforce and ‘Closing the Gap’ in health outcomes for Indigenous mothers and babies.
Currently, Pat is an Adjunct Professor of Midwifery at both the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs and the University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Midwifery, Child and Family Health.
Pat looks forward to contributing to the Australian Midwifery History Project as an Honorary Advisor.
Pat’s publication listing can be found in her UTS Staff Profile
Brodie, P. (2003). The invisibility of midwifery: Will developing professional capital make a difference? (PhD Thesis, University of Technology Sydney).
Pat’s PhD thesis is available electronically via the UTS OPUS portal.
Pat’s publications can be found on her Research Gate page
Read about Pat’s time as the 10th President of the Australian College of Midwives 2005-2009
Find Midwifery continuity of care (2nd ed.), Caroline Homer, Pat Brodie, Jane Sandall, Nicky Leap
“Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives and The Royal College of Midwives Midwifery Continuity of Care is a robust ‘how to’ guide to establishing midwifery continuity of care. Written by a team of international experts in their field, this book highlights lessons learned to help develop new ways of planning, implementing, evaluating and sustaining midwifery continuity of care for the benefit of women, babies and communities.”–Provided by publisher