Sue Kruske – President ACM 2012 – 2014
I assumed the presidency at a particularly difficult time in the College history. I grew a lot in the 2 years I was President and I remain thankful for the opportunity. Stability of the Board and the College was a highlight, as the Board and the staff worked together to re-establish the strategic directions of the College and develop a new Constitution that led to Unification. The following is a list of some specific highlights achieved during my 2 years as President.
· Worked successfully with RANZCOG who finally endorsed the third edition of the ACM Consultation and Referral Guidelines published in June 2013.
· Continued to progress our application to become a Registered Training Authority (RTO)
· Support the hosting of the Midwifery Education Summit in Adelaide to develop ACM position on midwifery Education Standards. Distributed to members July 2013. This informed the Australian Nursing& Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) review of Midwifery Education Standards.
· Ensured the establishment of the Rural and remote Advisory Committee to try and meet the needs of rural and remote midwives
· Worked with Editor in Chief Kathleen Fahy to transition the ACM Journal, Women & Birth to an electronic platform.
· Promoted an increasing Media presence and recognized Hannah Dahlen for her leadership in this area.
· BFHI now fully incorporated into the College after undertaking a significant restructure.
· Promoted strong relationships with government and it’s agencies through regular meetings with the Minister’s office, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Insurance teams.
· Successfully strengthened relationships with other maternity related and midwifery groups such as Homebirth Australia, Maternity Coalition and Australian Private Midwives Association.
· Participated in the Joint Committee of Maternity Services with RANZCOG, RACGP and ACRRM.
· Continued partnerships with Council of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM), Australian College of Nursing, ANMF, Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurses Australia and Australian Practice Nurse Association
· Strengthened the College Governance policies, which underpin the governance of the College.
· Oversaw a review of the structure of the College, in 2012, which formed the most significant review of our Constitution since the formation of ACM. Branches contributed funds for a Consultant to undertake the work.
· Enabled trust and collaboration between branches which in turn facilitated the success of all jurisdictions agreeing to the unification of the College.
· Led the College through the unification process in 2013 and participated in the first popularly elected presidential campaign in the history of the ACM.