Pam Hayes Midwifery Archive Book Collection

Call NoCopy NoAuthorsTitleAlternate TitleEditionPublisherBook DescriptionSubject 1Subject 2Subject 3Subject 4Subject 5Subject 6SeriesISBN/SBNNotes
Minymaku Kutju Tjukurpa (women’s business manual), , ,
“If only I’d listened to grandpa”,
“Mother and child were saved” memoirs (1693 -1740) of the Frisian midwife Catharina Shrader translated and annotated by Hilary Marland,
“This mad folly” (the history of Australia’s pioneer women doctors),
200 Australian women (a redress anthology),
20th Congress International Confederation of Midwives, ,
20th Congress International Confederation of Midwives,
20th Congress International Confederation of Midwives,
20th Congress International Confederation of Midwives,
20th Congress International Confederation of Midwives,
A Baby at last (having a baby later in life),
A background to the history of nursing in Tasmania,
A Breastfeeding protocol ( guidelines for establishing breastfeeding of the healthy full term baby with the well mother), ,
A catalogue of surgical instruments, surgical sundries, theatre equipment , ward furniture, sterilizing apparatus,
A Celebration of babies (an anthology of poetry and prose),
A Century of caring (the Royal North Shore Hospital 1888-1988),
A Century of caring (the Royal North Shore Hospital 1888-1988),
a child is born (new photographs of life before birth and up to date advice for expectant parents),
A Chochrane pocketbook (pregnancy and childbirth), , , ,
A Clinical guide to the menapause,
A Colonial woman, ,
A Complete handbook of midwifery for midwives and nurses,
A Complete system of nursing,
A Country doctor’s notebook (translated from Russian by Michael Glenny),
A Country nurse and midwife (the life times and career of Mary O’Rourke/Bowers in the Queenbeyan district of New South Wales 1889 -1973), , ,
A Country nurse and midwife (the life times and career of Mary O’Rourke/Bowers in the Queenbeyan district of New South Wales 1889 -1973), , ,
A Country nurse and midwife (the life times and career of Mary O’Rourke/Bowers in the Queenbeyan district of New South Wales 1889 -1973), , ,
A Country nurse and midwife (the life times and career of Mary O’Rourke/Bowers in the Queenbeyan district of New South Wales 1889 -1973), , ,
A Course of lectures in medicine to nurses,
A Course of lectures in medicine to nurses,
A General history of nursing,
A general textbook of nursing (a comprehensive guide),
A Guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth,
A Guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth,
A Guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth,
A Guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth,
A Guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth,
A Guide to nursing care of the newborn,
A Guide to the care of the young child (a textbook for the workers in the field of maternal and child health), ,
A Guide to the care of the young child (a textbook for the workers in the field of maternal and child health), ,
A Guide to the care of the young child (a textbook for the workers in the field of maternal and child health), ,
A Handbook of midwifery,
A Handbook of obstetrics and gynaecology for nurses,
A History of medicine (from prehistory to the year 2000),
A Hospital handbook on multiculturalism and religion (practical guidelines for health workers),
A letter to our son,
A Manual of midwifery,
A Manual of midwifery,
A Manual of midwifery for midwives,
A Manual of midwifery for midwives,
A Midwife’s story,
A Midwive’s tale (the life of Martha Ballard, based on her diary 1785 -1812), ,
A Midwive’s tale (the life of Martha Ballard, based on her diary 1785 -1812), ,
A Mixed medical bag, ,
A New life (pregnancy, birth and your child’s first year),
A passion for excellence (The leadership difference)
A pictorial history of nursing,
A Practical guide for fathers,
A Primer of neonatal medicine,
A Primer of neonatal medicine,
A Primer of neonatal medicine,
A Season to be born,
A Short history of clinical midwifery
A Short history of clinical midwifery
A Short history of midwifery,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short practice of midwifery for nurses,
A Short textbookof midwifery,
A Study of the teaching and assessment program in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Royal Hospital for Women (University of New South Wales. No 4),
A Tapestry of service (the evolution of nursing in Australia Vol1 ),
A textbook for midwives,
A textbook for midwives,
A textbook for midwives,
A textbook for midwives,
A textbook for midwives,
A textbook for midwives,
A Time to value (Proposal for a national paid maternity leave scheme),
A Tolerable good success (economic opportunities for women in New South Wales 1788-1830),
A Ton of spirit (Australian centenarians),
A Tradition of care (a history of nursing at the Royal Brisbane Hospital),
A Treatise of the science and practice Vols 1 and 2, ,
A Treatise of the science and practice Vols 1 and 2, ,
A Treatise of the science and practice Vols 1 and 2, ,
A Treatise of the science and practice Vols 1 and 2, ,
A Treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery
A Treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery
A Treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery
A Very present help (caring for Australians since 1813),
A Way to natural childbirth (a manual for physiotherapists and parents-to-be),
A Way to natural childbirth (a manual for physiotherapists and parents-to-be),
A Woman’s place (an illustrated history of women at home from the Roman villa to Victorian town house),
ABC of antenatal care,
ABC of mothercraft,
Abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy (new techniques based on time and motion studies),
Aboriginal conception beliefs, , ,
Aboriginal conception beliefs, , ,
Aboriginal myths, legends and fables, ,
Active birth,
Active management of labour (the Dublin experience), ,
Address by D P Haxton (International Conference of Midwives 20th International Congress Sydney 2-7 September 1984),
Address by D P Haxton (International Conference of Midwives 20th International Congress Sydney 2-7 September 1984),
Address by D P Haxton (International Conference of Midwives 20th International Congress Sydney 2-7 September 1984),
Advice to a mother on the management of her children and on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents,
After a loss in pregnancy (help for families affected by a miscarriage a stillbirth or the loss of a newborn)
Aids to anatomy and physiology for nurses, ,
Aids to anatomy and physiology for nurses, ,
Aids to gynaecological nursing,
Aids to medical nursing, ,
Aids to surgical nursing,
Alice and the stork or the rise of the status of the midwife as exemplified in the life of Alice Gregory 1867 – 1944, ,
All care and responsibility (a history of nursing in Victoria 1850 -1934), ,
All care and responsibility (a history of nursing in Victoria 1850 -1934), ,
All care and responsibility (a history of nursing in Victoria 1850 -1934), ,
All gustos great and small, ,
All our labours (Oral history of working life in twentieth century Sydney),
An Aboriginal mother tells of the old and the new, , , ,
An Aboriginal mother tells of the old and the new, , , ,
An analysis of patient care provided by nursing personnel Vol 1, ,
An Approach to community mental health,
An Atlas of midwifery, ,
An Australian woman’s calendar 1979,
An illustrated history of medicine,
An Introduction to gynaecology and obstetrics,
An Introduction to midwifery,
An introduction to the physical aspects of nursing science,
An unsentimental union (the NSW Nurses Association 1931-1992),
Analgesia for midwives,
Anatomical terms (their origin and derivation), ,
Anatomy and physiology applied to obstetrics,
Anatomy and physiology applied to obstetrics,
Anatomy and physiology for nurses,
Anatomy and physiology for nurses (a complete textbook for the preliminary state examination),
Anatomy and physiology for nurses (a complete textbook for the preliminary state examination),
Anatomy and physiology for nurses (a complete textbook for the preliminary state examination),
Antenatal and postnatal care,
Antenatal care (research based approach),
Antenatal care past, present and future (75th Anniversary Conference 19 -21 August 1987),
Antenatal care past, present and future (75th Anniversary Conference 19 -21 August 1987),
Antenatal illustrated,
Antenatal illustrated,
Artemis speaks (VBAC’s stories and natural childbirth information),
Asian mothers, Australian birth (pregnancy childbirth and child rearing),
Asian mothers, western birth,
Atlas of anatomy for nurses, ,
Atlas of normal anatomy,
Aunts up the Cross,
Australia from a woman’s point of view,
Australia in the Victorian age (Vol 1 : Who’s master? Who’s man?),
Australia in the Victorian age (Vol2 : life in the country),
Australia in the Victorian age (Vol3 : life in the cities),
Australia through time,
Australia’a founding mothers,
Australian childhood (an anthology),
Australian children through 200 years,
Australian College of Midwives National Midwifery Guidelines for consultation and referral,
Australian Colonial medicine,
Australian hospitals (operation and management),
Australian immunisation handbook,
Australian legendary tales, ,
Australian management,
Australian nurses since Nightingale 1860-1990,
Australian pioneer women,
Australian women (feminist perspectives),
Australians at risk
Australia’s quest for colonial health (some influences on early health and medicine in Australia), ,
Australia’s quest for colonial health (some influences on early health and medicine in Australia), ,
Babies for ladies (my sixty years of caring for women),
Baby and child care
Baby boomers (growing up in Australia in the 1940’s 50’s and 60’s),
Baby crazy (the funny emotional, extrordinary experience of having a baby),
Baby crazy (the funny emotional, extrordinary experience of having a baby),
Baby dear (the Sweet Nellie book of traditional advice, sentiments and expressions of endearment from the past),
Baby love (everything you need to know about your new baby),
Baby massage,
Baby training,
Bailliere’s midwives dictionary, ,
Bailliere’s midwives’ dictionary, ,
Bailliere’s nurses dictionary, ,
Barbara Bayton, between two worlds,
Basic sex hormone therapy, ,
Basic sex hormone therapy, ,
Battle of the nurses (study of eight women who influenced the development of professional nursing 1880 – 1930),
Becoming a complete parent,
Becoming a midwife,
Becoming a mother (a book for Australian women)
Becoming a mother (a book for Australian women)
Becoming us (the essential relationship guide for parents),
Behind the blue door (the history of the Royal College of Midwives 1881 – 1981)
Being mother friendly (a practical guide for working women and breastfeeding),
Benefits and hazards of the new obstetrics,
Between father and child (how to become the kind of father you want to be)
Bioethics, a nursing perspective
Biology of human milk,
Birth (facts and legends),
Birth (an anthology of ancient texts, songs, prayers and stories),
Birth (an anthology of ancient texts, songs, prayers and stories),
Birth and Power (Radical community medicine (Journal) No 17 Spring 1984),
Birth at home,
Birth at home,
Birth at home,
Birth in four cultures (a cross cultural investigation ofchildbirth in Yukatan, Holland, Sweden and the United States),
Birth in four cultures (a cross cultural investigation ofchildbirth in Yukatan, Holland, Sweden and the United States),
Birth in four cultures (a cross cultural investigation ofchildbirth in Yukatan, Holland, Sweden and the United States),
Birth matters (issues and alternatives in childbirth)
Birth over thirty,
Birth rites, birthrights (childbirth alternatives for Australian parents),
Birth rites, birthrights (childbirth alternatives for Australian parents),
Birth traditions and modern pregnancy care, , , ,
Birth without doctors (conversations with traditional midwives), ,
Birth without doctors (conversations with traditional midwives), ,
Birth without violence,
Birth without violence,
Birth without violence,
Birthing and early parenting service directory, ,
Birthtrap (the legal low-down on high tech obstetrics),
Blessed are they (the story of the Bowral and District Hospital Bowral NSW 1889 – 1989), , ,
Book of child care,
Breast feeding (how to succeed)
Breastfeeding (a guide for the medical profession),
Breastfeeding (a newmother’s handbook),
Breastfeeding (getting breastfeeding right for you), ,
Breastfeeding matters (what we need to know about breastfeeding),
Breastfeeding matters (what we need to know about breastfeeding),
Breastfeeding matters (what we need to know about breastfeeding)
Breasts, bottles and babies (a history of infant feeding),
Breasts, bottles and babies (a history of infant feeding),
British obstetrics and gynaecological practice (obstetrics ),
Brought to bed (childbearing in America 1750-1950),
Bush nurse,
Bush surgeon, ,
But westward look (nursing in Western Australia 1829-1979), ,
But westward look (nursing in Western Australia 1829-1979), ,
But westward look (nursing in Western Australia 1829-1979), ,
Candida can be beaten,
Candida can be beaten,
Care around preterm birth (a guide for parents),
Care around preterm birth (clinical practice guidelines), ,
Care around preterm birth (clinical practice guidelines), ,
Care of the high-risk neonate,
Care of the newly born infant,
Case studies in nursing management (practice, theory and research),
Cats, cradles and chamomile tea,
Centenary of nurse training in Australia 1862-1962 (The Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne), , ,
Centenary of nurse training in Australia 1862-1962 (The Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne), , ,
Central Midwives Board (handbook incorporating the rules of the Central Midwives Board),
Cerebral palsies (Epidemiology and causal pathways),
Chemical risks and the unborn (a parent’s guide),
Chemistry in health and disease,
Chemistry of the sex hormones, ,
Child care and the growth of love,
Child psychology (growth trends in psychological adjustment),
Childbearing – its social and psychological aspects,
Childbearing in Australian society 1650-1850,
Childbirth choices,
Childbirth choices,
Childbirth education (practice, research and theory),
Childbirth wisdom from the world’s oldest societies (a medical guide), ,
Childbirth without fear
Childbirth without fear (the original approach to natural childbirth)
Childbirth without fear (the principles and practice of natural childbirth),
Childbirth without fear (the principles and practice of natural childbirth),
Children of the back lanes (destitute and neglected children in colonial New South Wales),
Choice guide to birth control,
Classics from JONA (collectionof articles previously published in the Journal of Nursing Administration),
Classroom skills for nurse educators,
Clinical and roentgenologic evaluation of the pelvis in obstetrics, ,
Clinical concepts of foetal heart rate monitoring,
Clinical diagnosis in labour,
Clinical diagnosis in labour,
Clinical diagnosis in labour,
Clinical diagnosis in labour,
Clinical uses of female sex steroids, , ,
Co-dependent no more, ,
Colonial Eve (Sources on women in Australia 1788-1914),
Colonial ladies,
Colonial NSW 1853 – 1894,
Come in doctor (a country practice revisited), ,
Committee on analgesia in midwifery (the use of trilene by midwives),
Commonwealth department of Health (Report on maternal deaths in Australia 1979-1981),
Communicable diseases,
Community midwifery,
Community midwifery, a practical guide,
Compensation and professional indemnity in health care (final report), ,
Comprehensive maternity nursing (nursing process and the childbearing family),
Comyns Berkeley’s pictorial midwifery (an atlas of midwifery for pupil midwives),
Concord (a centenary history of Concord [NSW]), ,
Conference on dagnosis in sterility – proceedings (Sponsored by the National Committee on Maternal Health -January 26-27 1945 New York City), , ,
Convicts and colonial society 1788 – 1868,
Coping with caesarian and other difficult births,
Coping with the family (a guide to surviving your kids from babies to teenagers),
Country life in old Australia,
Criteria for the clinical use of intravenous immunoglobulin in Australia. July 2012,
Cross – cultural caring (a handbook for health professionals in Western Canada),
Culdoscopy (a new technique in gynecological and obstetric diagnosis),
Culture childbearing health professionals,
Curiosities and anomalies of medicine,
Current obstetric and gynecologic diagnosis and treatment
Current practice in obstetric and gynaecological nursing,
Current strategies for nurse administrators,
Damned if we do (contradictions in women’s health care),
Damned whores and God’s police,
Daughters of the dreaming, , ,
Daughters of the earth (the lives and legends of American Indian women)
Dear Fanny (women’s letters to and from New Sout Wales 1788-1857)
Dear Mum,
Dear Mum (Australian mothers then and now),
Dear Mum (Australian mothers then and now),
Death (the final stage of growth), ,
Deiet, crime and delinquency, ,
Development of the foetus,
Devils, drugs and doctors (the story of the science of healing from medicine man to doctor), , , ,
Devils, drugs and doctors (the story of the science of healing from medicine man to doctor), , , ,
Diabetes (your role in its control),
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and during labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostic methods used during the later months of pregnancy and labour,
Diagnostis and treatment of menstrual disorders and sterility, , ,
Dimensions of nursing administration (theory, research education, practice),
Directions for pathology (National Health Strategy background paper No 6 July 1991),
Discussing sexuality (a guide for health practitioners),
Discussing sexuality (a guide for health practitioners),
Diseases of women (by ten teachers),
Dissenting voices (conflict and complexity in the home birth movement in Australia),
Dissenting voices (conflict and complexity in the home birth movement in Australia),
Doctor courageous (the story of Dr Grantly Dick Read),
Doctor down under, , ,
Doctor in heaven,
Doctor in heaven,
Doctors (a biography of medicine),
Does Dracula have AIDS and other Geoffrey Robertson hypotheticals from the acclaimed ABC TV series,
Drugs and breasfeeding,
Drugs and pregnancy,
East of Pigeon House,
Eastern Suburbs album (pictorial memories of Darling Point, Double Bay, Rose bay, Vaucluse, Watson’s Bay, Bellevue Hill, Bondi, Waverley and Bronte),
Effective group practice in midwifery (working with women),
Effective group practice in midwifery (working with women),
Eggbert : funny side up,
Eggbert and Eggberta,
Elliott Brothers Limited illustrated catalogue (surgical instruments and appliances),
Emergency transfer of the high risk neonate,
Emigrant gentlewomen (genteel poverty and female emigration, 1830-1914),
Encyclopaedia of love and sex (a comprehensive guide to the physiology of sex, the art of lovemaking and the psychology of love),
Entering the world (the demedicalizationof childbirth),
Essentials in maternity nursing,
Essentials of neonatal medicine,
Eternal Eve, ,
Eternal Eve (the mysteries of birth and customs that surround it),
Ethical dimensions in the professions
Ethos of nursing and midwifery (a general perspective),
Evaluation of general basic nursing education programmes in NSW Vol 2,
Ever since Eve (Personal reflectkons on childbirth), , , , ,
Every man,
Every second child, , ,
Exploring women’s past (Essays in social history)
Families in colonial Australia,
Far from a low gutter girl (the forgotten world of state wards: South Australia 1887-1940),
Farts and fevers (prescriptions from the “Body” programme of the ABC),
Feeding and care of baby, , ,
Feeling our way (experiences of pregnancy, birth and early parenting),
Female genital mutilation clinical management guidelines, ,
Fending off forgetfulness (a practical guide for improving memory),
Fertility and sterility (proceedings of the 5th European Congress on sterility and fertility 2-6 October 1978), ,
Fetal monitoring in practice,
Fetal welfare and the law (a report of an inquiry commissioned by the Australian Medical Association)
Fevers and frontiers,
Fifth World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (held in Sydney Australia September 1967),
Fighters and singers (the lives of some aboriginal women), ,
Final Report of the Women’s Health Policy Review Committee September 1985, , ,
Florence Nightingale,
Florence Nightingale,
Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910,
Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910,
Foetal and neonatal hypoxia in relation to clinical obstetric practice,
Foetal attraction,
Folk medicine,
Folk medicine (fact and fiction),
Footpriints in the sands of time (the story of the Western Suburbs Hospital, NSW), , ,
For her own good (150 years of the expert’s advice to women)
Foundation of anatomy and physiology,
From conception to birth,
From Nightingale to now (nurse education in Australia),
From novice to expert,
From sterility to fertility (a guide to the causes and cure of childlessness), ,
From the heart (true stories by Australian nurses)
Fundamentals of electronic fetal monitoring, ,
Fundamentals of nursing,
Fundamentals of obstetrics and gynaecology (Vol 1 obsterics),
Fundamentals of obstetrics and gynaecology (Vol 1 obstetrics),
Fundamentals of obstetrics and gynaecology (Vol 2 gynaecology),
Gas and air analgesia,
Gender at work,
Genetics in medicine, , ,
George Englemann and “primitive birth”,
Geriatric and rehabilitation services (an evaluation and comparison of two units), ,
Getting ready to be a mother (information and advice for the young woman who is looking forward to motherhood),
Getting the best for you and your baby, ,
Giving birth (emotions in childbirth),
Giving birth (how it really feels),
Goals in nursing practice (trends within the health field and their implications for nursing practice),
Good universities guide to Australian universities and other higher education institutions,
Goodbye doctor (stories of country practice),
Great women of history,
Grief, gaiety and aborigines, ,
Guide for meetings and organisation, , ,
Guide to labour,
Gynaecological and obstetrical anatomy (descriptive and applied),
Gynaecological care